How to choose the right size, shape, and material.
Heavy objects are stable, so customers erroneously believe the reverse: Stable objects are heavier.
Customers use height to estimate sizes.
Ingredients feel merged into a denser format.
Customers prefer products in glass packaging.
Glossy packages seem fatty.
This packaging resembles the abrasive nature of a masculine gender.
Angularity seems masculine, while roundness seems feminine because of evolutionary roots (e.g., female bodies are more curved).
Tall packages seem healthy because they remind customers of a tall and slender person
More units on the outside? More units on the inside.
Customers will select a new (and more expensive brand) if the packaging is beautiful.
This food feels closer to the environment outside the confines of the package.
Packages seem smaller and less desirable with any missing section.
An unbagged assortment of carrots will seem fresher than a bag of carrots.
Realistic images are more enticing.
Products seem heavier in these locations.
Dark colors seem heavy, while light colors seem...light, as if they're easier to lift.