Vertical checklist that proceeds from "Ordered, shipped, and arriving." The progress bar is moving downward with the momentum of gravity.
Ease the Symbolic Motion of Progress
Calls to Action

Ease the Symbolic Motion of Progress

Downward motion seems stronger because of gravity. A downward progress bar feels more capable of reaching the end.

Ideally, use downward motion to symbolize progress.

In one study, a moving square vanished. Everyone believed that this box vanished farther ahead because of the momentum. And this misjudgment was stronger with downward motion (Hubbard, 2005).

Black square in which study participants guessed where it disappeared. All of their guesses are always at a pointer farther ahead where it actually disappeared. Their guess was especially farther ahead when the box was moving down

Downward motion seems stronger because of gravity.

Consequently, users can imagine this bar moving to the later steps (e.g., delivery) more easily. They will imagine receiving their package faster.

Need horizontal progress? Ease motion in other ways:

  • Linear Gradient. Gradually change the color from left to right for illusory motion.
  • Shorten the Distance. Position the bar near the final step so that the end goal feels closer.
  • Thin Bar. A short bar feels easier to move than a fat bar.
Progress bar of shipping delivery with linear gradient from left to right

  • Hubbard, T. L. (2005). Representational momentum and related displacements in spatial memory: A review of the findings. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 12, 822-851.

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